2016 Board Meeting Minutes
2016 National OX5 Aviation Pioneers Board Meeting Minutes
Reunion – Oshkosh, Wisconsin October 14, 2016
Roll Call:
Don Voland & Gordon Cumberland – Present
Dennis Yerkey assigned his proxy vote to Gordon Cumberland Jim Beisner assigned his proxy vote to Don Voland Janet Barnard assigned her proxy vote to Don Voland Cheryl Dewey assigned her proxy vote to Don Voland
Wayne Gordon did not respond to his official notice for the Annual Board Meeting Sylvia Cook did not respond to her official notice for the Annual Board Meeting Nicole Azzaro did not respond to her official notice for the Annual Board Meeting.
Six votes were represented for a quorum to allow for a legal meeting
Secretary’s Report:
Don Voland read the minutes from the 2015 National Reunion in Dayton Ohio. They were approved as read.
Treasurer’s Report:
Due to the illness of Janet Barnard, no up to date report was available. Jim Beisner is filling in with the basic Treasurer’s duties until Janet Barnard regains her health. He reported that the overall financial picture looked slightly better than in the previous year. Any Governor with questions is welcome to contact him.
President’s Report:
- The financial health of the Organization remains good including our investments, donations, and dues collections.
- Because of Janet Barnard’s illness, she was not able to provide a budget for 2017. We will use the figures from the 2016 budget for the time being recognizing that the new scholarship program will require some additional expenditures. She will provide an updated budget for 2017 when she regains her health.
- Communication issues with some of the Governors remains a problem and needs to be addressed.
Old Business:
There was no old business
New Business:
1. Board Member Terms – Recommend to the General Members at the Membership Meeting that Janet Barnard and Dennis Yerkey be reelected for another three year term as National Governors – Motion was seconded and passed.
- The updated 2017 budget will be sent to all Governors when completed.
- Jim Beisner is stepping down as a Governor from the Ohio Wing. Recommend that the Board appoints Tim Pinkerton to replace Jim Beisner as a Governor from the Ohio Wing and to complete his term. Motion was seconded and passed.
- Recommend that Tim Pinkerton be voted in as the new OX5 Board President. Motion was seconded and passed.
- Recommend that Don Voland be voted in as the new OX5 Secretary. Motion was seconded and passed.
- Jim Beisner has offered to work on the special project of updating the By Laws. All suggestions are to be forwarded to him.
Meeting Adjourned:
Don Voland, National OX5 Secretary