Jim Beisner Aviation Lab

James Beisner, OX5 National Gov, National Past president 2013-14



WLC mentors have personally invested time, finances, and hard work into the success of
WACO Learning Center and it is paying off as they develop long term relationships. It is gratifying to see these masters watch their apprentices become impassioned about aviation.

Rather than occupying the corner of the museum, a 2000 sq. ft. aviation lab is now under construction in the new learning center building.

It has been suggested that this space be named “The Jim Beisner Aviation Lab.”

Jim was on the founding board of trustees and previous president of the WACO Historical Society.  We ask you to donate in honor of the countless pilots Jim has trained as CFI, and the aviation mechanics he has mentored.

We encourage you to to donate to bestow this honor that is due him, while also investing in the future of aviation by supporting the Learning Center.

Make your check out to:
WACO Aviation Learning Center
Place Jim Beisner Lab on the memo line of your check.

Mail to:

Patty Wagner, OX5  National Treasurer            
3233 South Kessler Road                    
West Milton, OH 45383                


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