Tim Pinkerton Memorial Fund


Tim dedicated his life to serving young people.  His family has set up a fund with the Troy Foundation so that he can continue to do so.  Through Waco in Troy, Ohio, funds will be used to supplement the cost for young pilots trying to achieve their pilots license, which is an average of a $15,000-$20,000 expense.

In order for this fund to become endowed, we must raise $25,000 dollars.  If the fund becomes endowed it will sustain itself.  Tim taught over 4,200 students during his 35-year teaching career and if each of those students gave $6, we would reach our goal. Not to mention those he impacted through coaching, Waco, camps, etc.

He also organized some great OX5 National Reunions.

Help Tim’s legacy live forever and help him do what he cared so much about…serving young people.

1.  Go to www.thetroyfoundation.org

2.  Click on the blue button “Donate Now”

3.  In search type in  “Tim Pinkerton Flying Bear Fund”

4.  Fill out the donation information.

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