
 The Air Mail Act of 1925 (Kelly Act) authorized the postmaster general to contract for domestic airmail service with commercial air carriers. It also set airmail rates and the level of cash subsidies to be paid to companies that carried the mail. By transferring airmail operations to private companies, the government effectively would help create the commercial aviation industry. Various routes were designated and contracts for carrying the mail over these routes were then awarded to many different private air service companies.  

The Contract Air Mail routes became known as CAM’s.
 CAM-11 was awarded to Skyline Transportation Company (Clifford Ball’s Airline).  Skyline was founded in 1926 by enterprising enthusiast, Clifford Ball.  CAM-11 air service was inaugurated with both east and west flights on April 21, 1927 between Cleveland Ohio and Pittsburgh Pennsylvania with an interim stop in Youngstown.

Pittsburgh and McKeesport shared the same airport. Postal mail covers carried on the inaugural flight between each point of landing and take-off are collectible and are known as CAM-11 covers.

Night Shot of Miss Pittsburgh with Noyes 

Skyline Transporation used a Waco 9 bi-plane named “Miss Pittsburgh” for this initial April 21, 1927 air service.
Pilots flying different legs of this April 27th CAM-11 inaugural air service included, Kenneth “Curley” F. Lovejoy, Merle A. Moltrup and Dewey L. Noyes.


11S1 270421 Cleveland OH STC Lovejoy & Noyes $7.50
11S2 270421 Youngstown OH STC Moltrup & Noyes $18.00
11N3 270421 McKeesport PA STC Moltrup & Noyes $9.00
11N4 270421 Pittsburgh PA STC Moltrup & Noyes $7.50
11N2 270421 Youngstown OH STC Noyes $15.00



R11N6 310608 to Akron OH by southbound plane STC   $6.00
11S5 310608 Akron OH STC LV Scriggins $4.50
R11S6 310608 to Akron OH by northbound plane STC   $6.00
11N5 310608 Akron OH STC RL Baker $7.50


11E7 310608 Pittsburgh PA STC LV Scroggins $18.75
11E7F 310608 Pittsburgh PA STC LV Scroggins $37.50
11E8 310608 McKeesport PA STC Ed Couples $26.25
11W9 310608 Washington DC STC RL Baker $5.25


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